AN enterprising teenager from Warwick is organising a charity event to fund her month-long trip to help build a playground in Uganda.
Nineteen-year-old Emily Parsons is joining the Uganda Volunteer Project in July, organised by charity East African Playgrounds, which supports children’s cognitive development through play.
To help raise the £800 she needs, the former Aylesford Sixth former, who is now studying at Manchester University, is organising a charity gin tasting event supported by Moores of Warwick.
The event takes place at Hatton Park Community Centre, on April 27th, between 7.30-10pm and will include a presentation by the new distillery’s owners Lorraine and Martin Moore.
Lorraine said: “We are happy to get involved in this event – it is great to see a young person raising funds so that she can go and help others. We are very lucky to live in a community such as we do, children have playgrounds where they can play safely. Emily intends to volunteer her time and skills to go to help others who might not be so fortunate.”
Emily, from Hatton Park, said: “As well as being an amazing opportunity I am hoping this trip will link with the type of work I want to do in the future. I am currently studying international disaster management and humanitarian response, so believe there is a strong connection to be made here.”
Tickets cost £10 which can be purchased at:
Further details at:
Moores of Warwick opened its doors at Hatton Adventure World a few weeks ago. To learn more about it click here